Understanding and Preventing the Bystander Effect (Course)

Author: Enspark
Discover the pivotal role of bystanders in addressing and preventing inappropriate behavior, bullying, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace. Recognize the significance of fostering workplace civility by acknowledging the damaging consequences of the bystander effect and acquire proactive strategies to cultivate a safer and more inclusive work environment.  By identifying behaviors that contribute to workplace issues and taking on the role of active bystanders, individuals will develop the skills necessary to promote positive workplace norms and provide support to those impacted by inappropriate behavior.

Keywords: communication, conflict resolution, equity, leadership, Safety, team building, diversity, Inclusion, employee skills

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Understanding and Preventing the Bystander Effect (Course)

Understanding and Preventing the Bystander Effect
Discover the pivotal role of bystanders in addressing and preventing inappropriate behavior, bullying, harassment, and discrimination in the workplace. Recognize the significance of fostering workplace civility by acknowledging the damaging consequences of the bystander effect and acquire proactive strategies to cultivate a safer and more inclusive work environment.  By identifying behaviors that contribute to workplace issues and taking on the role of active bystanders, individuals will develop the skills necessary to promote positive workplace norms and provide support to those impacted by inappropriate behavior.

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$5.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 162 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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